Tuesday, 19 February 2013

iOS 6.1 Security Risk: Anyone Can Bypass Your iPhone’s Lock Screen

Posted By: Static GSM - Tuesday, February 19, 2013


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So, iOS 6.1 hasn't been Apple's finest hour. So far it's been plagued with connection issues, battery woes, and now it's sadly insecure, too. You can bypass any lockcode on an iPhone using this straightforward sequence of button presses.

It's not the first time a trick like this has plagued an Apple device; a similar iOS 4.1 bug allowed the same kind of access. It was fixed with the release of iOS 4.2—which came out a month later. So if history holds true, it could be a month until we see this patched up. 

The instructions are pretty simple(Also shown in video).

1. You have to pretend to turn the phone off and press cancel.
2. Then make an aborted emergency call,
3. Then a quick bit of off button and touch on emergency call.
4. Hold off button now you can use Phone App.  

That boots you into the full phone app where you can pretty much call or message anyone you like, or edit phone contacts.

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